Misogyny, Terrorism, and Assault

Update: Brandon here. It has been brought to my attention that there are some inconsistencies in this story and if you seek it out you will find that Malifaux have responded to the accusations. Rather than just delete this post I felt it was important to own up to not using all of my reading comprehension skills and not doing more research before sharing. I made a mistake. I made this mistake because all of the behavior mentioned in the author’s original post is believable. It is sad that I wouldn’t even question the content because I have known women who have had similar experiences. There are clues in the original post that it may not be 100% legitimate, but all of the abuse rings true and that clouded my vision. I am leaving this post as a public admission of my mistake, and to keep the conversation going. The original reason for my sharing the story remains the same:  We all must speak up and stop harassment when we see it.

Trigger warning: Discussion of sexual harassment and sexual assault.

This has to stop. We all must speak up and stop harassment when we see it. This is an important read and, as stated above,  be aware of the subject matter.


The response to the rampant sexual assault in the gaming hobby is predictably misogynistic. Women are expected to train themselves in self-defence and anything less is regarded as “irresponsible” on their part. This attitude is illogical, irrational, and deeply callous as it does not address the basic fact that, by the time a woman is forced to defend herself from sexual assault, a crime has already been committed against her person. Worse, any woman who has defended herself from sexual harassment in the gaming community can tell you that her self-defence was a precursor to ostracism as the men in the community embraced the predator and expelled his victim for “creating drama”. As if the perpetrator of the crime wasn’t responsible for the “drama” in the first place!


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