Category Archives: News

Chess Stress

ESPN has an interesting article on the physical toll Chess Grand Masters go through.

“Grandmasters sustain elevated blood pressure for hours in the range found in competitive marathon runners,” Sapolsky says.

It all combines to produce an average weight loss of 2 pounds a day, or about 10-12 pounds over the course of a 10-day tournament in which each grandmaster might play five or six times. The effect can be off-putting to the players themselves, even if it’s expected. Caruana, whose base weight is 135 pounds, drops to 120 to 125 pounds. “Sometimes I’ve weighed myself after tournaments and I’ve seen the scale drop below 120,” he says, “and that’s when I get mildly scared.”

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Where Does the Time Go?

Brandon: Where does the time go? Well, teaching two music classes at the end of the school year, doctors appointments for the kids, family trips, new job coming up. It goes a lot of places. Looking back through the site, it’s been since February that I’ve posted here. Last time I posted it was about a Kickstarter by Jim Pinto and today is no different. Well, maybe a little. I’m going to ramble a bit and then give you the details.

What have I had time for that was not required of me? D&D. I’ve posted a lot about it’s impact on me here, here, and here. Dungeons and Dragons has also effected my family’s lives in other ways.  We are now painting minis and loving it. I may post more about that separately. Part of the point I’m getting to is that we have been busy and stressed. Gaming and it’s side activities have helped keep us focused. The last week of school we gamed every night and it was amazing.

Most of the rambling is done. Just one more point and then onto what I want to share. There is a lot going on in the world and gaming can be a way for us to come together and reset for awhile. So, I have two requests/suggestions.

First, donate to your local food charity. Mine is The Oregon Food Bank and I also donate to No Kid Hungry. Why? Because people need food and if you can help, you should. Second, you should back Jim Pinto’s newest Kickstarter, House of Keys. 

House of Keys is the first glimpse into a rich, new fantasy world — Iron Medusa. This world spins new legends and folklore while remaining rooted in Eastern European cultures. Here adventure finds you. House of Keys introduces that world through the lens of a doomed mansion infested with loathsome spirits where trapped adventurers have turned against one another in a fight for survival.

House of Keys focuses on psychological horror. feather

Good News Bad News

First, the bad news. Spaghetti and Meeples has been honored and privileged to be a part of Pathological Nerdcasters Network. Unfortunately its time has come to an end. You should still follow that link and be sure to check out all of the content and follow all of the contributors. Those of us who were a part of PNCN still have our own private section of the internet and will keep in touch. So, do not worry on that account.

The good news? We are now incredibly surprised, amazed, and also honored to be a part of Punchboard Media. And not to worry. Many of your favorite PNCN contributors will be at Punchboard Media as well.

This is such an exciting community to belong to with many creative individuals and teams bringing you the best in geek and tabletop culture.

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LARP Insurance

Questing is treacherous business, and no one knows more acutely than the heroes and villains taking part in fantasy live action role playing (LARP) events. Luckily for their fictional personas, there are healing spells and potions in case of injury. But should their real-world selves get hurt during the game, these miracle salves have no effect. Fortunately, the real world has LARP insurance. feather

Vers: The Rap Game

Brandon: Recently Tarehna had her students study Athens and then rap about it. Not long after she ran into Vers: The Rap Game on Kickstarter. This looks like a fun game that will push me out of my comfort zone. I am not one to rap in front of people, or alone for that matter. That fear, however, has not stopped me from backing Vers. I am really excited about this game. It also has beautiful art. Take a look and see if it’s not something you might be interested in.

Founded by Jerry Spatch, a Boston Freestyle Rapper and a current entrepreneurship student at Northeastern University. Spatch Games is a winner of Northeastern’s Husky Start-up Challenge and was featured in Bostinno magazine as an up-and-coming start-up. Vers: The Rap Game is a product of Spatch Games.

Vers was created to break down what you know about rapping and make it for people everywhere.

“I was tired of people in university saying I shouldn’t rap because it was unprofessional. Everywhere I went, when people heard about rap they’d think of a bunch of things that it wasn’t. So I made the game and it’s fun and silly and everyone can play it.” feather

Tolarian Community College Needs Your Help

Tolarian Community College is an informative and entertaining YouTube channel based around Magic The Gathering. The channel is hosted by “The Professor” and he is an actual professor at an actual community college. He has had a big enough following that he was able to start a Patreon that covered the pay for his teaching one of his college classes so that he could focus some more time on the YouTube channel.

Unfortunately he was told that he won’t be teaching any classes this term and so will lose that income and possibly will lose his healthcare. There is an easy way to help The Professor out: contribute to his Patreon. He already turns out quality material. This may be an opportunity for him to create even more. If you are a fan of gaming in general or Magic The Gathering specifically you should definitely check out Tolarian Community College. feather

PWNs is Back!

We looked at PWNs originally here. Their first Kickstarter didn’t fund, but they are back and ready to move forward. It was a game that Brandon didn’t really want to like at first, but he wound up really enjoying it. Take a look at their new Kickstarter.

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Android: Netrunner Tournament Rules Updates

Brandon here. I’ve only recently gotten into Android: Netrunner and have seen some stirrings about discontent. No one is ever clear about the issue. All the forums talk as if everyone is aware of what issues everyone must have. From what I can glean there are actually a few issues going on. Also from what I can see, people seem pleased with the red bits in this document. If there is anyone out there who would like to take the time to illuminate me, that’d be great. Thanks! feather

Misogyny, Terrorism, and Assault

Update: Brandon here. It has been brought to my attention that there are some inconsistencies in this story and if you seek it out you will find that Malifaux have responded to the accusations. Rather than just delete this post I felt it was important to own up to not using all of my reading comprehension skills and not doing more research before sharing. I made a mistake. I made this mistake because all of the behavior mentioned in the author’s original post is believable. It is sad that I wouldn’t even question the content because I have known women who have had similar experiences. There are clues in the original post that it may not be 100% legitimate, but all of the abuse rings true and that clouded my vision. I am leaving this post as a public admission of my mistake, and to keep the conversation going. The original reason for my sharing the story remains the same:  We all must speak up and stop harassment when we see it.

Trigger warning: Discussion of sexual harassment and sexual assault.

This has to stop. We all must speak up and stop harassment when we see it. This is an important read and, as stated above,  be aware of the subject matter.


The response to the rampant sexual assault in the gaming hobby is predictably misogynistic. Women are expected to train themselves in self-defence and anything less is regarded as “irresponsible” on their part. This attitude is illogical, irrational, and deeply callous as it does not address the basic fact that, by the time a woman is forced to defend herself from sexual assault, a crime has already been committed against her person. Worse, any woman who has defended herself from sexual harassment in the gaming community can tell you that her self-defence was a precursor to ostracism as the men in the community embraced the predator and expelled his victim for “creating drama”. As if the perpetrator of the crime wasn’t responsible for the “drama” in the first place!

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Kaiju Conquest Update

Spaghetti & Meeples was able to play test Kaiju Conquest awhile back. It was just standees and home printed materials back then. Warren is looking to step things up so he can get review copies into the hot little fists of board game taste makers. Take a look at his Go Fund Me and see if you might want to help. The early stages of the game had some issues, but Warren has made changes and we are excited to see what’s next! feather