Category Archives: Podcast

Podcast Ep 14: Black Monk Kickstarter

In this episode: Brandon speaks with Jim Pinto of Postworld Games about his new Kickstarter(Black Monk) Blade Runner, Baby Driver, and The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo!

Black Monk Kickstarter:…axis-black-monk

Gondola at Big Kid Games:

Postworld Games at DriveThru RPG:…t-world-games/

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Podcast Ep: 13 Are You A Werewolf?

Brandon asks Tarehna about playing Are You A Werewolf? in a cabin in the woods! Spooky!
We also discuss cheese-filled peppers and Reuben bowls!
Email us at if you would like either of the recipes described in the podcast.

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Android: Netrunner, A Very Brandon Experience

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Podcast Ep 11″

Brandon comes out in favor of the new Ghostbusters movie and Jim tries to hug a Millennial, oh, and we talk about games too!
GMS Podcasts:
Pinto Central:

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Our GameStorm 18 wrap-up is finally here!

The Restaurant:
The Network:
The Place:
Game Lab:
Game Con has been cancelled 🙁

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Pathological Nerdcasters Network podcast panel at GameStorm 18

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More Podcasting! Ep 8: Jim Pinto $1 RPG and Carcass

We catch up with Jim Pinto.



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Into the Woods Discussion with Robert LaCosse

We here at Spaghetti & Meeples had an amazing opportunity to participate in a game of Werewolf at GameStorm 18. But not just any game of Werewolf. Robert LaCosse, who will reappear in our GameStorm wrap up, had bolted on his own storytelling twist titled Into The Woods.

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Podcast Ep 5: Labor Day and Worker Placement Games

Wow! It has been awhile since we’ve had a podcast for you. Here you go! Enjoy a little history on Labor Day in the USA and a discussion of worker placement games.


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Episode 3: Schadenfreude

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