Brandon: Where does the time go? Well, teaching two music classes at the end of the school year, doctors appointments for the kids, family trips, new job coming up. It goes a lot of places. Looking back through the site, it’s been since February that I’ve posted here. Last time I posted it was about a Kickstarter by Jim Pinto and today is no different. Well, maybe a little. I’m going to ramble a bit and then give you the details.
What have I had time for that was not required of me? D&D. I’ve posted a lot about it’s impact on me here, here, and here. Dungeons and Dragons has also effected my family’s lives in other ways. We are now painting minis and loving it. I may post more about that separately. Part of the point I’m getting to is that we have been busy and stressed. Gaming and it’s side activities have helped keep us focused. The last week of school we gamed every night and it was amazing.
Most of the rambling is done. Just one more point and then onto what I want to share. There is a lot going on in the world and gaming can be a way for us to come together and reset for awhile. So, I have two requests/suggestions.
First, donate to your local food charity. Mine is The Oregon Food Bank and I also donate to No Kid Hungry. Why? Because people need food and if you can help, you should. Second, you should back Jim Pinto’s newest Kickstarter, House of Keys.
House of Keys is the first glimpse into a rich, new fantasy world — Iron Medusa. This world spins new legends and folklore while remaining rooted in Eastern European cultures. Here adventure finds you. House of Keys introduces that world through the lens of a doomed mansion infested with loathsome spirits where trapped adventurers have turned against one another in a fight for survival.
House of Keys focuses on psychological horror.