Category Archives: Blog

Box Inserts!

Wow! It has been awhile since we had a proper video. Three months in fact. Please enjoy Brandon’s look at some box inserts he likes.

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Tolarian Community College Needs Your Help

Tolarian Community College is an informative and entertaining YouTube channel based around Magic The Gathering. The channel is hosted by “The Professor” and he is an actual professor at an actual community college. He has had a big enough following that he was able to start a Patreon that covered the pay for his teaching one of his college classes so that he could focus some more time on the YouTube channel.

Unfortunately he was told that he won’t be teaching any classes this term and so will lose that income and possibly will lose his healthcare. There is an easy way to help The Professor out: contribute to his Patreon. He already turns out quality material. This may be an opportunity for him to create even more. If you are a fan of gaming in general or Magic The Gathering specifically you should definitely check out Tolarian Community College.

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Runeslinger and Inertia

Brandon here. If you have followed us for any amount of time you may know that I am a huge fan of Runeslinger (AKA Anthony Boyd). I love the way he talks about why people continue with the games they know and why some don’t in the video below. I also respect how he places no judgement on an individual’s choices, he simply states that there are reasons people have and that they work for those people. I may need to do a video riffing off this a bit. I feel there is a lot that can still be shared about time management and energy and effort from a personal perspective.

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OMSI Mini Maker Fair

We were lucky enough to be invited by Game Lab Oregon to the Mini Maker Fair at OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry). We ran a table showing of some of the dice towers and dice trays we have made, but also sharing games from people we know. Well, that we know via the internets. We brought Verdun 1916, Dice Crawl, and Gem Packed Cards. We also wandered around a bit. Watch the video to learn more about Game Lab Oregon, indie game designers, and see us play a dice game with pirates!

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We need your help!

So far we have been able to fund operations for our site all by ourselves. We are currently in a bit of a transition. Brandon is in grad school. Thanks, Brandon! We need to renew the webhosting for Spaghetti and Meeples and need your help. Please visit the Go Gund Me we have set up and donate what you can and please share this. We are only asking for exactly what we need to keep the site up. Thank you for your time! The link is below.


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Casting Shadows/Runeslinger

Brandon: We’ve linked to Runeslinger before in our review of Leviathans. He covers a lot about RPGs and also does some unboxing videos. One of the things I like most about his videos is that he is incredibly thoughtful and finds ways to talk about our relationships to each other and how games facilitate and enhance, or change, those relationships. Below is one of the more recent videos that impressed me. I am also including the link to his blog.

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Freakonomics: Jane Austen, Game Theorist

Brandon: I turned on OPB as I was headed to pick up my wallet that I had left at a friend’s house two nights before. I was treated to this great piece about Jane Austin and Game Theory. Fun and informative, and it talks about why Game Theory never actually became the big deal we were all told it would be.

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King of Storms Kickstarter

Brandon: We have featured Jim Pinto a few times and one of the things I really enjoy about his Kickstarters is that they always have something different and exciting to offer. The $1 RPG campaign was  completely open and none of us backers knew where it would end up. Well, Jim has a new Kickstarter up and it’s centered around the Praxis game system. Praxis is a GMless system where the players tell the story and are semi-competitive. It has already reached its funding, but the more funding it gets the more stretch goals open and the more games that get opened.

You can listen to Jim and myself talk about Praxis and King of Storms in the podcast below. Go check out this Kickstarter now!


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Battle Of The Bands Kickstarter

You may remember that we interviewed Dan Smith about his Battle of the Bands game. If you missed it or want to reread it you can do that here. Then you should go check out the Kickstarter. It has already funded so you are good to go there. As of the posting of this…post, there are 13 days left.

Check it out:



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The Minions Live!

Hello! Welcome to a special edition of Spaghetti and Meeples. Today we have video of a performance by The Minions. What does this have to do with gaming? D&D based improv! That’s what!

Watch the video and visit them at


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