Tag Archives: Go Fund Me

We need your help!

So far we have been able to fund operations for our site all by ourselves. We are currently in a bit of a transition. Brandon is in grad school. Thanks, Brandon! We need to renew the webhosting for Spaghetti and Meeples and need your help. Please visit the Go Gund Me we have set up and donate what you can and please share this. We are only asking for exactly what we need to keep the site up. Thank you for your time! The link is below.



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Kaiju Conquest Update

Spaghetti & Meeples was able to play test Kaiju Conquest awhile back. It was just standees and home printed materials back then. Warren is looking to step things up so he can get review copies into the hot little fists of board game taste makers. Take a look at his Go Fund Me and see if you might want to help. The early stages of the game had some issues, but Warren has made changes and we are excited to see what’s next!


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