Category Archives: News

News Oct. 15 2014

Fantasy Flight Games bring Scum And Villainy to the Star Wars X-Wing miniatures game.

In other Fantasy Flight news, they are bringing Battlelore to IOS, Android, and PCs.

AEG has something that I am really excited about. Empire Engine has an amazing look and a great back story. 

There was a Settlers Of Catan tournament the weekend of Oct. 11th. Here is the champion.

This news is old, but apparently there will be a new edition of Carcassonne

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News Oct. 8 2014

I have yet to purchase Eldritch Horror. It is on my list though and Fantasy Flight’s Mountains of Madness Expansion is making me want it even more.

Mountains Of Madness


I do, however, have Elder Sign and Fantasy Flight is releasing their second expansion for that. In Gates Of Arkham players will leave the museum and head out into the streets.

Gates Of Arkham

Paizo is doing up to 90% off on selected items for all of October in their Great Golem Sale

I wish I could make it to BoardGameGeekCon. If you are interested you can find the schedule here.

BGG also has the schedule for the live stream of Essen Spiel 2014 here.


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This game looks so beautiful. Check out the video and link below and look for an interview with Jon Adams, creator of Cartography, soon.

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Finding Things On Twitter And Things Finding Me

Been meeting a lot of new people on Twitter lately. One of those is Topwise Games. Monkeys Need Love Too looks like a fun card game where you can have monkeys fling poo and help them escape a lab. They are at the halfway point of their Kickstarter and at about half their funding. Give ’em a look see and see what you think:

Someone taking things in a completely different direction is Godan with his Tokyo Yakuza at He’s seems to still be early in planning, but is very open about what he is working towards and has tons of art to give you a proper feel of what the game will be like when ready.

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That’s Awkward

Fireside Games is celebrating the 5th anniversary of Castle Panic. They are going to have a Google Hangout today starting at 1pm CST (USA). Looking forward to checking it out. But that’s not why I’m writing. Well, not exclusively. I did want to share that info. But also, there is some controversy. “Controversy?!!!” you may exclaim. “Yes!” I would exclaim back.
Board game publisher Queen Games have a Kickstarter for a game called Orcs Orcs Orcs. Go take a look and then come back:

Look familiar to you? If not, go check out this link and come back:

Yeah. So, that’s awkward. Looks like Fireside Games is aware of the situation and is looking into it. I understand that lots of games have lots of similarities, but did you know that often that is because one publisher licensed the mechanics from an existing game or just specific elements of another? That’s a thing! Who knew? Well, me, and now…you.
Anyway, I am interested to see what happens especially since Queen Games received $50k more than their goal.

Castle Panic Bday Google Hangout:

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Fireside Games Celebrate 5th Anniversary Of Castle Panic

By having a Google Hangout. I’m going to check it out and you should too. All the info you need can be found here:

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Days of Wonder Merging With Asmodee

Days of Wonder Merging With Asmodee

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Police called on video game developer over ‘Global Thermonuclear War’ plans

Game designing is dangerous business

Police called on video game developer over ‘Global Thermonuclear War’ plans

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Trolls drive Anita Sarkeesian out of her house to prove misogyny doesn’t exist

This saddens me as a father of two boys and is why I am raising them to be feminists.

Trolls drive Anita Sarkeesian out of her house to prove misogyny doesn’t exist

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